13 definitions by a fallen star xxx

When certain characters of different franchises, movies, or tv shows are used in an OPs story. Some of these are romances, some are au's, some is smut, some are alternate endings and some are grimdarks. Some is bad, some is good, some is okay.

Some popular franchises for fanfiction are Harry Potter, My Little Pony, Pokemon, Naruto.
Stop bullying teenagers over fanfiction and ships (unless they're actually harmful ones). Let them express their creativity in peace and leave them alone!
by a fallen star xxx July 7, 2021
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When you like someone more than a friend. Someone you're attracted to, someone whose personality you like a lot. They might like you back, there's always hope :)
It's called a crush because that's how you feel when they don't like you back.
by a fallen star xxx February 27, 2019
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A youtube channel that has creepy allegedly true stories. All well written. There is usually about 2-4 stories per video. They're all scary at first. But watch them more often and you'll be addicted. SUBSCRIBE TO HIM
Guy #1: Have you seen Mr. Nightmare?
Guy #2: Yea I watch him all the time. He's great!
Guy #1: He's the best!
by a fallen star xxx March 3, 2019
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To date, have sex with, or kiss/make out with someone someone else while you are in a relationship. These people who cheat are disrespectful, selfish, fuckboys/sluts, and pretentious.
If you are married, this is sometimes called adultery
E.g. 1) Mike: Hey Dave, hows it going with your girlfriend?

Dave: Broke up with her, she was cheating. There's 5 months i'll never get back.

E.g. 2)Brittany: Ugh, Sally, my boyfriend was cheating on me. We were together for over a freaking year! How could he?
by a fallen star xxx April 17, 2019
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A man who fought for many rights. A perfect human. He was, and still is loved and missed by many. He wrote the famous "I have a dream" speech. He was shot by a terrible, racist man.
Rip Martin Luther King Jr.
by a fallen star xxx February 15, 2019
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