3 definitions by Yung Phil

Attempting to finger a female's vagina to the point of vaginal secretion.
"I really like Amanda."

"What are you doing, trying to get your fingers wet or something?"

"I already got my fingers wet!"
by Yung Phil March 14, 2012
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Any female who dances with you at a club and lifts one leg up while she's grinding her pelvis into yours, but freaks out when you grab her other leg in an attempt to mount her on you.
"I tried to lift that girl up on a nigga but she freaked the fuck out. Obviously she don't know what happens when you lift yo leg on a nigga. I guess she's just a Miss One-Leg."
by Yung Phil March 13, 2012
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Recieving a blow-job from a girl after she has eaten from In N Out Burger. The length of time between eating the food and actually recieving the mouth cannot exceed an hour.
Last night I went on a date with Nicole to In N Out Burger and afterwards she gave me a blow job... animal style.

"Damn bro, she gave you an animal-style blow job?"

by Yung Phil March 13, 2012
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