2 definitions by White Ice
The single most extreme death metal band of all time. Demonic to the point where if you even hear them play live a giant gaping hole will form in the ground and take all the listeners to eternally suffer in the pits of hell. With White Ice on the guitar and Solomon Edibeesee as the lead vocalist (and many other useless band members who arn't near as demonic), shoelace frenzy super fun party team has managed to create many fan favorites such as "The smelter this metal", "Chocolat monopoly", "Eastern death smash", "Chamberling", and "Tiger fetus pipe", which are all so devistatingly extreme that even muttering the lyrics could turn you into a flesh eating hell angel.
I once decided to listen to a shoelace frenzy super fun party team and woke up the next morning in hell being analy raped by lawnmowers.
by White Ice March 26, 2004