6 definitions by WhatsernameAgain?

The devil that was on its way to hell but got dropped on the head so it fell back to earth to torture us.
"Donald Trump wid da orange peel skin"
by WhatsernameAgain? April 9, 2016
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What Snoop Dawg says in raps to make things sound like they are rhyming.
"Well holy jizzle all this dizzle ! Well fizzle my nizzle! This shizzle be dizzlin on a twizzle!"
by WhatsernameAgain? April 9, 2016
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That one girl who is soooo dramatic online and people are so fed up of her biz.
InstaDramatic- I hate mi life, nubody understands moi ;-;
You - I hate you
InstaDramatic- Your so rood ;-;
You - Feckin' Insta Dramatic, kill urself
by WhatsernameAgain? April 9, 2016
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A guy that is actually homosexual but is denying it.
"He lyin' m8, we all kno he ain't no hetrosexual!"
by WhatsernameAgain? April 9, 2016
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What you say when you need more food.
"I'm well fed but where the hell is my Maccy Do's?"
by WhatsernameAgain? April 9, 2016
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What you say when you look at some of the crap things wrote on Urban Dictionary and want to add more crap stuff.
"O' my Jen, what a load of crap is here! For i must add a word!"
by WhatsernameAgain? April 9, 2016
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