1 definition by Whats good with the gaat gaat?

An all purpose term for everything. It can be used to discribe any person, place or thing and it can be used more than once in a sentence. Gaat is often used by people of the greater Matawan region of the Unitied States of America but has travel across America to California and there have been signs of its use in Europe. People of Spain have even made it gender specific and incorperate gaatsteiño and gaatsteiña into their everyday life.
-Yo gaat, whats good are you getting that gaat later gaat.

-I just got back from the gaat gaat and im tryin to get drunk.

-Bro, who put that gaat in the gaat, it smells like fucking gaat in here.

-Hola gaatsteiño, que tal? Estas yendo a gaat este noche?
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