6 definitions by Wendy Weissman

A really awful band. They sound like Avril Lavigne's asshole. When she has bronchitis. Total faux-emo. Give a bad name to good bands. It's really sad.
Stupid Musically-illiterate poer: Simple PLAN IS DA SHIZZ_NIT BIATCH!!! AND MY LIFE SUCKS! ... OW OWOWOWOWOW! What are you doing?

Me: Trying to knock some sense into you.
by Wendy Weissman April 10, 2007
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Annoying, loudmouth singer. Halfway decent songs but she's obnoxious otherwise. Terrible crap live show. She pretends to be street but was raised in a big mansion in Britain with rich kids. Unfairly got to sing with Joe Strummer once before he died. Talks too much. Does not seem to care much about her own music.

Me: Yeah. So do Alanis Morrisette and Stevie Nicks. And they aren't as annoying as you. Good songs, though.
by Wendy Weissman April 10, 2007
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1. Awesome, beautiful, crazy, dashing, exciting, funny, great, handsome, intelligent, jokey, kind, lovable, magically-delicious, nice, original, pale, quiet, rocking, sexy, talented, unvolatile, victorious, weird, xenial, yummy, zealous rock star. Lead Singer of the fantabulous band My Chemical Romance. Can draw as well as sing. Very goos lyricist. Has great style. Can dance well. Feminist, Artist, Humanitarian, performer. Not a womanizer, yet still a heterosexual. Rather Metrosexual. Just Plain Sexual. Overall badass.

2.The Messiah of alphabetical positive adjectives.

3. Synonym for awesome/talented/fantastic/beautiful

4. Someone to be emulated.

5. Disease-free, multi-orgasmic sex
1. Wow, Gerard Way pwns, biznatch

2. Gerard Way is awesome, beautiful, crazy, dashing, exciting, funny, great, handsome, intelligent, jokey, kind, lovable, magically-delicious, nice, original, pale, quiet, rocking, sexy, talented, unvolatile, victorious, weird, xenial, yummy, zealous.

3. You're being so Gerard Way right now.

4. Sonce you're being so Gerard Way

5. Grab a condom and we can go have some Gerard Way!
by Wendy Weissman April 10, 2007
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1. Matthew James Bellamy, 29

2. Singer/songwriter/guiatrist/keyboardist of the best British band currently making music, Muse. Has a fantasic, energetic, spastic stage presence. His music makes people dance. Has a strange obsession with aliens and conspiracy theories. Quite intelligent and creative. Atheist, but has no problem with religion. He has cool style and awesome spiky hair. Can play guitar and piano like a motherfucker. He wears nice shoes and does magic mushrooms. He has the best attitude towards drugs possible. Probably the most talented musically of any band frontman around currently. Quite pretty.

3. Synonym for fantastic and brilliant in Brazil.

4. Conspiracy-theorist.

5. BLUE EYES!!!!!!

6. Fantastic Songwriter.

7. Synonym for a classy musician who won't name names in the press unlike that douchebag Noel Gallagher.
1. Matthew James Bellamy, 29, is brilliant


3. You're like, sooooo Matthew Bellamy right now.

4. You are quite a Matthew Bellamy, you know?


6. I think Paul McCartney is quite a Matthew Bellamy, actually

7. Good for you, Adam Lazzara, being a Matthew Bellamy like that.

Why can't Lily Allen be more like Matthew Bellamy?
by Wendy Weissman April 10, 2007
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1. An overrated, obnoxious band with a knack for ripping off early 90's techno-rock like The Stone Roses and The Happy Mondays. However, their singer Tom Meighan has a ridiculously limited vocal range and their guitarist Sergio Pizzorno writes terrible lyrics. Se "I'm the Queen and She's my Queen.........Bitch!" Loved by the Gallagher brothers of Oasis, Blowhard and Douchebag for kissing their asses and thus are taken seriously by NME. Spend a lot of time trash-talking people who are more talented and smarter than them. All their members are not quite as smart as boxes of hair. If you like them, fine, but listen to the Happy Mondays instead. Even though they had a dancer.

2. A member of the Manson family who drove the getaway car.
1. NME: RIGHT! We love Kasabian! They say stupid shit about bands which gives us stuff to write about!

Sergio Pizzorno: Say the 'Bitch' part!

NME: Oh! Right! They say stupid shit about bands which gives us stuff to write about!........ Bitch!
Oy vey, did Kasabian start talking again? Shit. What did they say this time. Well, we can make fun of that. It's not like it was witty like a fraction of some of the stuff Noel Gallagher says.

2. Tell Linda to start the engine.
by Wendy Weissman April 10, 2007
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A very talented musician. Incredibly funny. A very important presnce in today's music. Been around since 1970 AND IS STILL HERE!
Elton John is a fantastic piano diva
by Wendy Weissman April 10, 2007
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