5 definitions by Uganda be kidding me

When you vomit and have diarrhea at the same time.
You're not a real peace corps volunteer until you unleash the double dragon
by Uganda be kidding me January 28, 2016
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Someone who vigorously defends using a brand name to define/name an object.
New Jerseyan 1: Hey bra, wanna go get some pork roll , egg, and cheese bagels for breakfast?
New Jerseyan 2: Its called Taylor Ham, and yes - lets go.
New Jersian 1: Whoa okay, pork roll ... Taylor Ham, its the same meat in the end isn't it?
New Jerseyan 2: I will murder your whole family if you ever refer to Taylor Ham as pork roll again.
New Jersian 1: I didn't realize you were such an eponist - can we just go?
by Uganda be kidding me November 3, 2023
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Like a tossed salad but with the extra spice of Central Park wildcrafted greens
Yo she gave him a Central Park salad, now he got that extra spicy arugula in his mouth
by Uganda be kidding me February 13, 2021
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A person with two degrees from Tufts University. The mascot of Tufts being the famous circus elephant Jumbo, students are often called ‘Jumbos’ as well.
Mike: Oh I didn’t know you were a double jumbo! What did you study?

Sidney: Yeah, I did my undergrad in chemistry and my PhD in ::gets rudely interrupted::

Innocent bystander: WOW! did you just call her fat?! What’s wrong with you?!

Sidney: Actually a “Jumbo” is what we call a Tufts graduate - and if you have two degrees we call that person a “double jumbo”

Innocent bystander: oh my bad- I thought he was fat shaming you!

Mike: No! What would make you think that?!
by Uganda be kidding me October 14, 2020
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Yo Joe! Nice whip!

My whip is in the shop, can you scoop me?
by Uganda be kidding me August 21, 2020
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