5 definitions by The kreeateor

A tall Greek fuck who is lighting a joint after finishing one.
Hey Green Greek Giant, I am way to high. Don't light up another joint!
by The kreeateor May 5, 2020
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Someone who under exaggerates. You need to take that number and multiply it by 4.
Hey Darryl how many skanks did you bang this month? " I fucked 3 bro" . Now we have to assume, Darryls Math. He banged 12 skanks.
by The kreeateor April 22, 2020
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A woman, most likely your girl. She will just randomly just get up and do something different when you're chilling together.
Hey Crystal we just started watching a movie. Where the fuck are you going, walkabout queen?
by The kreeateor May 5, 2020
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A historic word created by the Grand Knob. It is used generally as a word of endearment. It is also a famous annual golf trip.
Hey knobber what did you shoot today? Hey knob what time did you shut it down last night?
by The kreeateor May 6, 2020
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