5 definitions by The Spider Is a Lie.

James Ernvall

James Ernvall
by The Spider Is a Lie. April 15, 2019
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A Woman Who works hard for what she Gets, Who knows she Isn't a Biological Woman And doesn't care if you hate her.
A Woman Who Is not a Pedophile, But just a normal person trying to get by in life, Without someone killing or raping her.
A Woman Who Has A Family, Friends, A Life, A Job, and emotions.

Not A Biological Woman, But a woman Nonetheless.

(I Love You, Natalie, You Are the Best girlfriend in the World)
Were You born a woman?
No, I'm a TRANSwoman
by The Spider Is a Lie. April 15, 2019
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When an State, County, Or country becomes Increasingly conservative after a Long Period Of Liberal Majority.
Man, America Is going through a serious redshift right now, am i right?
by The Spider Is a Lie. April 15, 2019
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The Formationists

A Centrist Political Party That Believes the Two Party System Is Idiotic And that The US Must be "Reformed" Into a great country Again.
Are You a Dem Or a Rep?

Neither, I'm a member of the formationists.
by The Spider Is a Lie. April 10, 2019
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A Japanese Fashion Line That Creates Gender Neutral clothing.
Who Made those clothes?
I got them from ORORORO.
by The Spider Is a Lie. April 28, 2019
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