1 definition by The Somx Community

A liar two face that says 1 thing and does the other. Uses their powers to make them self appear to be better then they are, and if you give them a solid counter argument, they will rebuttal with nonsense. These type of people typically abuse powers and have conditional beliefs depending on what benefits them.
But Mayhem I didn't post that stuff on the forums it was my roommate I swear. Mayhem says, 'Too fucking bad you're banned!'

Mayhem says, 'Don't do that, do this act more mature admins always act the same for everyone blah blah blah' Mysterious person says, ' 1sv?' Mayhem says, 'Uh..uh....uhhhh BAN BAN BAN!'

Liar Hypocrite two face thunder cunt Jerk Backstabber
by The Somx Community May 27, 2009
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