5 definitions by The Rabid Definer

1) To act as if something which has been brought up as a major occurance is really nothing special.

2) To escape punishment or an uncomfortable situation by denying allegations of involvement, esp. by placing blame on another person
1) Sukisoya thought the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima was tremendously horrible, but Gerard played it off as a necessary step for progress

2) Mrs. Lowery accused me of stealing the test key, but I played it off on my home boy Reggie
by The Rabid Definer September 18, 2003
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1a) To be in the state of having something completely under control

1b) To be very actively in the process of completing a task

2) To be very interested in something, typically an activity or person.
1a) "You been keepin' tabs on the wordmack/word down the street?"
"Yeah, 'm all over it"

"Hey Tobey, you got that DVD ripped for me yet?"
"Naw, but I'm all over it"

"So dude, you interested in snubbin' crackwhores again this weekend?"
"Hell yeah, I'm all over it!"
by The Rabid Definer July 24, 2003
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A very small amount of time, based on the implication that as New York, NY is the city that never sleeps, time moves more rapidly within its city limits.
He consumed the sirloin steak like a rat on a Cheeto in a New York minute.
by The Rabid Definer December 18, 2003
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A collection of wordweb pages/word found on the wordInternet/word, usually relating to a specific topic or area of interest. Sometimes constructed using an application like wordFrontPage/word, but build by the wordhardcore/word in Notepad.
by The Rabid Definer July 24, 2003
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Having a wordwicked/word streak of success; doing well so far in a series of challenges
I haven't missed a point all quarter in Calculus; I'm batting a thousand
by The Rabid Definer November 8, 2003
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