4 definitions by The Goat

Fake to act unlike yourself or to only side with winning force and change sides very easily
Tia is fake. Tia:bitch if you don't get the fuck up outacc's face she gone beat yo ass
Wendy bitch slap's cc

Later that day
Tia: bruh I knew cc was gone get slapped wendy gone beat dat ass

Tia is fake
by The Goat February 21, 2015
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1. Verb. To be banned for ongoing play in an online video game for some action of insignificance, typically by some fat power hungry nerd who thrives on exercising his online powers.
My boy Nameless One just got instabanned for saying google.com in the main chat room by faggot Adept_Lynx!
by The Goat July 25, 2005
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n00b = just n00b ;) b00n
14t0r = Terminator ;)

n00b14t0r = uber n00b
U R a f*cking n00b14t0r
by The Goat June 16, 2006
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a term that been used on Clubvibes.com
Its a gang of members who worship The Goat. Ah wsntme i so fancy The Goat tonite.
Yes Zac lets get The Goat and ride it all nite
by The Goat July 15, 2003
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