2 definitions by The Fuzz

49 thru 51 Chevy police cars.
also kerry and edwards hair!
We climbed into our slickback and chased the perpetrators into the next county!
by The Fuzz July 8, 2004
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A phrase common to New York city, implying that one will pay another back for a hamburger on the next tuesday, or any tuesday, in exchange for the hamburger on the day he is asking for it. This phrase is only implying that the hamburger will be paid back for however, and is taken advantage of by bad people, leaving the people who actually wish to pay back the money looked at as untrustworthy.
"I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today" said the snyde looking man. When the cashier heard this, he shot the man and took all his money.
by The Fuzz May 18, 2004
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