18 definitions by Taino boy

Se le nota el peson.

You can see her peson.
by Taino boy December 13, 2003
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Spanish for horny male.
A horny female is bellaca.
Pepe se puso bellaco cuando bailó con ella.

Pepe got bellaco when he danced with her.
by Taino boy December 13, 2003
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The skin folds next to your genitals, known popularly in Puerto Rico and Cuba.
vate la verija.
by Taino boy December 13, 2003
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Literally meant the lookout basket in the top mast of a Spanish galeon ship. Sailors would get very sea sick when assigned to this post, so when they would think of becoming mutinous, the captain would send them up to the carajo as punishment. Hence the Spanish interjection meaning anything from get out of here, go fly a kite, go fuck yourself, etc...
Vete para el carajo.
No me importa un carajo, I don't care a shit!
by Taino boy December 13, 2003
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Noun meaning fart or flatulence. In Spain a "d" is added to say pedo.
It is also known as follón.
Aquí se han tirado un peo.
by Taino boy December 13, 2003
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Smelly, stinky feet.
Dirt between the toes.
Tus pies apestan a sicote.
by Taino boy December 13, 2003
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A puertorrican term meaning a silly naive person who can't stand up for him/herself. Very similar to pendejo.
Your cousin is still the same ñoño as usual.
Tu primo sigue siendo el mismo ñoño de siempre.
by Taino boy September 11, 2005
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