24 definitions by Spokentruth

Before America was called America it was known as Amaruca.
“Amaruca is literally translated ‘Land of the Plumed Serpents, in variation: ‘Land of the Great Plumed Serpents.”
The original name for America was Amaruca/Turtle Island.
by Spokentruth October 26, 2019
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Medium brown skin is when your skin tone is in the middle, your not dark or light, you have green veins, your skin has golden or yellow undertones .

For Example: Aaliyah haughton is Medium Brown like Megan good.
For example: I'm medium brown not light or dark I'm in the middle .
by Spokentruth October 24, 2019
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American Aborigines are melanated brown people in America's who've had they're identities and heritage stolen from them by paleface Caucasian, native american Mongoloids, siberian natives, and the federal government who've converted them to christianity and taught them english with compulsory education, subjugation, indoctrination, eugenics, miscegenation and social engineering.

American Aborigines have been in turtle island now known as America from the earliest of times, they were indentured servants who were enslaved in America and dispersed everywhere else, including Africa, Walter plecker destroyed records in 1913 in 50 states that showed how American Aborigines were classified as Negro, Colored, Black, Mulatto, Free people of color, and freedman in the first U.S. census in 1790, Walter plecker also put to death anyone who put Indian on their birth certificate.

Melanated people are the original people who Columbus found here on his voyage to turtle island , Virginia passed two acts in 1682 that combined American Indians and 20 odd Africans into one category negroes and other slaves.

American Aborigines were taught in Compulsory educational institutions throughout the entire world that they came from Africa which is Falsified his-story created by five dollar indians, the Paleface Native American Caucasians.
I'm an American Aborigine, I'm not a Native American there's a difference anyone can be native but not everyone can be aborigine, word aborigine traces back to the Latin ab origine, meaning "from the beginning," and as you might guess, this noun refers to something that has been there from the start.

Native means a person born in a specified place or associated with a place by birth, whether subsequently resident there or not.
by Spokentruth September 25, 2019
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Brownskin People come in many shades ranging from Light brown, Medium brown and Dark brown.
For Example : Brownskin People like Yara shahidi, Ciara and Eva Marceille Are Medium Brown, Ryan destiny, Gabrielle union and Naomi Campbell are Dark brown, and Princess Nokia, Rihanna and Dani Leigh are Light Brown.
by Spokentruth October 24, 2019
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Bicultural people identify with being a combination of two cultures, coming from two different cultural backgrounds .
I'm bicultural which means I come from two different backgrounds instead of being Monocultural and only coming from one background.
by Spokentruth November 30, 2019
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Culturecist are people or individuals who show hatred and bias towards other cultures or a single culture.
That man and that lady are Culturecist They hate intercultural people and other cultures and they believe that other Monocultural groups should stay separate from their own people and never integrate or become one union.
by Spokentruth December 15, 2019
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Aboriginal Hebrews are both Aboriginal americans and hebrew people who've been in ancient America For the longest times in American Archeology B.C. to be exact way before Columbus stepped foot on American soil, there are ancient artifacts that factually proves this to be correct .
I'm an Aboriginal hebrew and our melanated people have been in America since ancient times even before Christ , we are both aboriginal americans and Hebrews we are one.
by Spokentruth October 13, 2019
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