4 definitions by Somebodyreal

When you see a piece of dog shit on the ground and you have to step around it to avoid stepping in it. Usually do free events at the park because they was exposed for buying loads of YouTube and faking a following
Hey, watch out for that huge pile of Don't Flop on the floor
by Somebodyreal September 4, 2019
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Cringe, unfunny, boring, controlling little pussyholes with no creative talents. The sooner they delete the pile of shit channel the better.
Don't do that, it is highly off putting and makes you look like a Don't Flop battler
by Somebodyreal October 29, 2020
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A scene full of moist little pussyholes
That breh is UK Battle rap, what a pussyhole
by Somebodyreal September 3, 2019
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Some cringey dickhead who doesn't pay his debts
by Somebodyreal August 20, 2019
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