1 definition by Solihull Guy
Solihull is a town in the West Midlands, defined as one of the most prosperous areas of the English midlands.
Even though it is near Birmingham, residents of Solihull refuse to accept any link whatsoever to Birmingham.
People who live in Birmingham aspire to do well and move to Solihull.
People who reside in Solihull are referred to Sillhillians.
Even though it is near Birmingham, residents of Solihull refuse to accept any link whatsoever to Birmingham.
People who live in Birmingham aspire to do well and move to Solihull.
People who reside in Solihull are referred to Sillhillians.
Richard Hammond is from Solihull so therefore he is a Sillhillian.
by Solihull Guy January 9, 2011