5 definitions by Shakti Shen

a feminine perspective of language as opposed to the male dominated dic(k)tionary
a woman can speak her mother tounge in words that are difined by the yoniary
by Shakti Shen May 15, 2006
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1) The Universe as it is known through the devotees of the Yoni}. The embodiment of the deep feminine mystery

2) the spiritual poetry that is heard through the traslation of subtle energetic ecstasy oracles of the yoni}.
the yoniverse is my greatest teacher.
May I touch your yoniverse? (Yoni is the physical aspect of the yoniverse)
by Shakti Shen May 15, 2006
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the killing of the cultural creative communities when an environment becomes so infiltrated by the super rich that there is no more people with soft -hearted easy- going ways who can afford to live in the region. The region is then peopled by fast moving unhappy individuals driving their luxury cars with anger and attitude.
Marin County has suffered from gentrocide.
by Shakti Shen May 15, 2006
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I femefested my new house with a lot of visualizations, community support, and dedicating my orgasms, so that now I have my dream come true home
by Shakti Shen June 2, 2006
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