2 definitions by Seedy mc Seed


scale of being stoned. not stoned but maybe just a little bit high. Pebble is a small rock hence where the scale comes from. when you have had one toke on a joint you are pebbled, not stoned yet.
i smoked to bongs, man im pebbled!
by Seedy mc Seed August 4, 2010
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Someone who pretends to be gay, or makes 'Seedy gesture' eg. Cute bum.

Or someone who has something 'seedy' about them, like a dirty pedo moe.
someone who gets with a lot younger people, or extremely older is considered 'Seedy'.
someone who gets with lots of opposite sex
someone who txts lots of the opposite sex
old male to youngish female, "you have a cute bum", smacks her on the ass. <--- very seedy
by Seedy mc Seed August 4, 2010
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