2 definitions by Sarcastic little bitch

It's a sarcastic, humorous, & somewhat bitchy thing to say, when somebody keeps complaining about an event that happened, or a situation, & they just need to get the hell over it.
Example one -
Girl one: *crying* My boyfriend John broke up with me yesterday!
Girl two: That's terrible, I'm so sorry!
(...7 months later...)
Girl one: *crying* I still can't believe John broke up with me...
Girl two: Oh for fucks sake, build a bridge and get over it.

Example two -
Boy one: UGHHHHH! I'M SO HUNGRY!!!!!!!!
Boy two: Dude, you've been complaining for 30 minutes about your hunger. Nobody cares! Build a bridge, and get over it.
by Sarcastic little bitch May 29, 2013
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A person who gets their dressing inspiration from god forbidden rappers like Lil wayne, 2 chainz, Drake, & the list goes on.
They think these rappers are intelligent & can dress themselves. When in all reality, they all like stupid as fuck.

Swagfags go around blasting Lil wayne in their cars, iphones, computers, everywhere. & you'll know its Lil wayne when you hear sirens & the word "nigga" 100,000 times in a row.

The typical Swagfag wardrobe consists of snap backs, skinny jeans - that they sag to their knees, shoes that match their outfit, & tee-shirts that say the word "swag" over and over.
Because they have to let the whole world know that they have swag by wearing the god damn word on their clothes.
They also say "swagggg", "yolo", & "ratchet" every 5 seconds, & when they type they use q's for g's, i's for y's, & a few more.
(example- cant touch miii swaqqqqqqqqqq)

We should use Swagfags to test new products instead of innocent animals.
These are creatures that need to be forbidden & removed from this earth.
Boy: Swaaag moddaa'fuckaaa swag swag swiggity swag.

Girl: Omg, he got dat swagggg dat im looken for. Letz fuck.

Group of friends: Ewww look over there at that Swagfag, & a Swagfag lover. Kill them. Kill them both.
by Sarcastic little bitch June 10, 2013
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