2 definitions by SaltyM8?

1. Getting dunked on (getting spiked)
2. Getting overwhelmed

In the game Super Smash Brothers for the Wii U and 3DS, there was a tournament called SCR Saga, and that tournament was sponsored by Gushers. So that made Trela use the term "Gushed" when someone got spiked or got overwhelmed.
Komorikiri is getting gushed by Mistake's Bayo.
by SaltyM8? August 20, 2017
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An adjective. The most offensive word you can think of. A combination of Dumb+Ass+Stupid+Ass+Bitch (bech is pronounced as BEECH)+Ass+Nigger (nega is pronounced as NEEGA)
Man, Abhay is such a DumbahStupidahBechahNEGA!
by SaltyM8? May 23, 2017
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