2 definitions by Saint Danger

A phrase added to the end of a sentence to indicate a forceful rejection of a particular action. Usually used to refer to unpleasant or unpopular actions.
Person A: "I heard you playing the piano, then you just stopped, how come?"
Person B: "They asked me to play Abba, you just don't do that."

Person A: "I can't believe they pulled that pitcher! He was doing so well!"
Person B: "I know, you just don't do that!"
by Saint Danger October 23, 2009
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A phrase uttered when someone is saying (or doing) something in a condescending, sarcastic, patronizing, antagonistic, etc. manner, i.e., talking like a bitch.
Person A: "These people are assholes! You don't clap when someone misses a serve, that's bitch talk!"

Person A: "Hey, what did you get on that test?! Ha! I did better than you! Hey, what did you get on that test?! Ha! I did better than you! Hey, what did you get on that test!? WHAT?! You cheated, whore!"
Person B: "That's bitch talk, dude."
by Saint Danger October 23, 2009
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