4 definitions by River jones dangler

A funny ass word that has been outlawed and labelled hate speech by a bunch of pussies.
Joe: What’s worse then being a fag

Tom: I don’t know what
Joe: literally nothing
by River jones dangler November 26, 2019
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A term An often abusive man who hides his homosexuality by taking out his frustration on apprentices. More often then not an abuser of alcohol and sometimes cocaine they have a superiority Complex and feel the need to flex their alleged superpowers of a trade they learned over many years.
Journey man: I love shopping at Walmart
by River jones dangler November 26, 2019
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One of the best insults used by gentleman world wide, and widely known and articulated in the call of duty community.
This term has recently come under heavy scrutiny because the rainbow community is working with our government overlords to destroy freedom of speech.
Cod player: what kind of faggot camps in a corner.
by River jones dangler November 26, 2019
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A person who wakes up in the morning hungover and sparks a smoke immediately
Hey did you see Joel what a fucking klood he just hacked a dart while eating his pancakes.
by River jones dangler November 26, 2019
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