3 definitions by Rei Eikou

a person who changes someone's life for the better, specifically by helping them recognizing their dream for the future.
Originate from Goodbye Sengen (the Light novel)
"Man, I will just go to school enough so that I can graduate and go to college and get a boring office job afterward"
"m8 you really need a Nanase in your life."
by Rei Eikou May 1, 2022
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Someone who is not Korean but praise Korean shits like it was the bible or something. These people also think that Gooks shits are better than Japanese or even their own country
Someone:" That new anime God of Highschool was absolute kino! It has better fight scene than Cowboy Bebop!!!"
Others: What a gookslave
by Rei Eikou July 7, 2020
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That girl Houko slept with an old men yesterday, she was such a hou
Alex dated a hou when he was in Japan last year. She left him after 2 days for a rich ugly bastard
by Rei Eikou March 15, 2020
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