5 definitions by Raymond Dang
A: How do I get from Southwark to Waterloo Station?
B: You mean how do you geh fruh Suh-ark to Wah-a-loo Station?
A: Ah, yes. Sorry, my brit speak is bad.
B: You mean how do you geh fruh Suh-ark to Wah-a-loo Station?
A: Ah, yes. Sorry, my brit speak is bad.
by Raymond Dang May 8, 2006
Having allegiance to or indecisiveness between the East and West coasts of the United States, particularly New York and Los Angeles.
by Raymond Dang May 8, 2006
by Raymond Dang May 8, 2006
A person whose level of flakiness (i.e. unreliability, undependability, fickleness, etc.) is so extreme that it borders on magnitude of mental retardation.
First he says he'll call me right back, which he doesn't. Then he begs me to go out last Saturday only to bail out when I call him when he's late. What a flaketard!
by Raymond Dang May 8, 2006
Extremely grotesque hairlessness of the adult male body caused by excessive and overzealous body shaving to the degree of eliminating any semblance of manhood.
by Raymond Dang May 8, 2006