29 definitions by Purple Gurl


Noun, direct object, and present participle verb: The act of making something purple. To empurple.
The interior decorator is empurpling my house.

Empurpling stuff is one of my favorite things.
by Purple Gurl March 23, 2011
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N - The state of being in a marriage or living a married life.
"Todd and Rhonda have experienced 12 years of matrimony thus far, and they have 2 adorable children."
by Purple Gurl February 6, 2015
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Noun: When someone feigns pregnancy to shoplift.
Person 1: Jennifer didn't appear pregnant a minute ago, and didn't she enter the dressing room with 5 items?

Person 2: It must be kleptomomnia.
by Purple Gurl March 21, 2011
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ass angel

A derogatory slur for Julian Assange, the founder of Wiki Leaks. Critics accuse him of hacking, cracking, spying, espionage, and even sex crimes, while proponents call him a freedom fighter who stands up to abusive governments.
"I'm sick and tired of hearing about Ass Angel, that no good espionage traitor who doesn't care who his leaks harm, just as long as his leftwing goals are met."
by Purple Gurl February 9, 2015
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Noun: Someone with purple or pink skin who is on the run from the police or other law enforcement agency.

Etymology: From fuchsia + fugitive.
My Purplonian neighbor must be a fuchsiative. Ever since the spaceship turned up missing, I haven't seen her anywhere, and someone said she was on Galaxy's Most Wanted.
by Purple Gurl March 30, 2011
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girl mouse

N: An optical computer mouse. It has no balls, just a warm inner glow.
Frank: "What kind of mouse are you getting for your PC?"

Joe: "I'm getting a girl mouse. They move much easier, and they have no balls to wash."
by Purple Gurl March 24, 2011
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Rape Gang

A close-knit group of people, usually men, who rape, attempt to rape, discuss plans to rape, or otherwise act sexually aggressive towards others without their consent. These people tend to believe that date rape is not possible, that no really means maybe, that sex with children, handicapped, or elderly persons is never rape, that not saying no is a way of saying yes, that getting someone too drunk/high to say no is not rape, etc.

Typical people who are prone to be rape gang members are football players, athletes, coaches, priests, police officers, hunters, inmates, and construction workers.
John started getting harassed by the local cops ever since he stood up to a prominent rape gang in town and refused to participate in their activities. Most of the men at work no longer speak to him either.
by Purple Gurl April 11, 2011
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