1 definition by Orlaith Ooh

The word Orlaith is a popular name. It's defination is "golden princess." It is a burden to have a MAGNIFICANT name like Orlaith. Because it is commonly mis-pronounced as Or-Lith. And no, no, no!!! It's not Or-Lith!!! It is pronounced Orla, but it must never be spelt Orla, as it is spelt Orlaith. Ok let's recap:

Spelt: Orlaith
Pronounced: Orla

Never Spelt: Orla
Never Pronounced: Or-Lith
<Orlaith> Hiii! I'm Orlaith!
<Random Retard> Why do you spell your name like that? Is your name not Orla?!
<Orlaith> No, it's Orlaith, but pronounced Orla.
<Random Retard> Then why do you have to spell it like that? GOSH Or-Lith! Can you not just be normal and spell it Orla.
<Orlaith> I am anything but normal, my "ith" makes me who i am.
<Random Retard> Whatever Or-Lith...
by Orlaith Ooh June 17, 2007
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