3 definitions by Orion Beckett


when a gymnast can not stay on the beam at all during a practice they may self diagnose themselves or a teammate may diagnose them with beamitis
“Rachel can not land her back handspring at all today! I think she has beamitis!”


“I literally can not make my aerial on beam today I think I have beamitis.”
by Orion Beckett February 9, 2020
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"You two shopping for your new dream home? Bit grand for you, isn't it, Weaselbee? Don't your family all sleep in... one room? " Draco as Ron is looking at the Shrieking Shack with Hermione.
by Orion Beckett May 10, 2017
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Harry Potter taught me the Patronus Charm in DA today!
by Orion Beckett December 22, 2017
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