1 definition by No Carnival No Games


Pop culture's side-bitch. Newfags have no genuine taste of their own, therefore lacking an artistic perspective on ingenuity. As a result, newfags put their efforts into appeasing to one (or more) of the mainstream trends; which just fit the mold of the status quo at present time.

Being a newfag in literal context means to exclusively like what ever is current, and popular, (regardless of what it is) while negating everything else. Newfags are constantly dialed-in to webpages like YouTube Trending, Google Trending, and apps like Instagram and Snapchat, in order to stay in the loop of being bound by society's grip; the mandatory custom of a newfag. Ignorance and bliss.
Guy 01 (newfag): "Hey! Is that metal? What are you listening to?"
Guy 02 (normal): "I'm just listening to some old school Sepultura, man."
Guy 01 (newfag): *Hears word "old" in sentence* "Ew, fuck that old haggard shit. If you're gonna listen to metal; you HAVE to listen to something NEW!" *Mindlessly checks YouTube Trending Page...* "Like this! It's called... Slipknot - All Out Life"
Guy 02 punches Guy 01 deadass in the face, proceeding to move on with his life, while Guy 01's own music selection is blurting out lyrics like:
"Old DOES NOT mean Dead!
New DOES NOT mean Best!
No hard feelings, I'm tired of being right about everything I've said..."
by No Carnival No Games November 4, 2018
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