2 definitions by Nicole Drinovsky

Unexpected credit bestowed for a deed or action resulting in special favor of the recipient in the brownie point giver's eyes. Negative brownie points are also avaliable and can also deduct from the brownie point count (which is never really accurate in the first place).
Adriel tried to earn brownie points for prizes but soon discovered the joy in earning brownie points is that there are no prizes, only accumulating credit resulting in the warmed heart of his friends.
by Nicole Drinovsky October 24, 2006
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Unexpected credit bestowed for a deed or action resulting in special favor of the recipient in the brownie point giver's eyes. Negative brownie points are also avaliable and can also deduct from the brownie point count (which is never really accurate in the first place).
Adriel tried to earn brownie points for prizes but soon discovered the joy in earning brownie points is that there are no prizes, only accumulating credit resulting in the warmed heart of his friends.
by Nicole Drinovsky October 23, 2006
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