8 definitions by Nate G.

When you are sitting on the toilet and you think your done shittin and an uncontrolable g-force of unholy bloody oozing maggit infested shit comes spewing out of your anus tearing the skin around your sphencter.
Person 1: why are you in the hospital?
Person 2: I was sitting on the toilet and I destroyed my insides due to a massive scheuchenshat.
by Nate G. March 11, 2005
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Hesh is a word much like shim. It means that you see a person and cannot tell whether it is a he or a she, thus resulting in Hesh.
Dude its name is Erin and it looks like a dude but it has tits, what a fuckin hesh.
by Nate G. March 11, 2005
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The feeling of extreme relaxation after you get done giving someone a wet danny.
Ya i flushed her ass but it was worth it cause now im pallywanked.
by Nate G. March 14, 2005
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When you lie to your little brother and tell him your out of toilet paper and have to use his face to wipe the shit off your ass.
Dude I thought we were out of toilet paper but i guess not so i guess i didnt need to shit-face you.
by Nate G. March 11, 2005
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A word created to insult someone so bad because their uglyness is so unholy that you had to combine the words mugly and fugly to create mugfugly. this word overides even Hippa-Crocca-Dogga-pig in terms of uglyness. Beware after saying this to someone it has the power to remove the soul and forsake the person to an oblivion eterity in the underworld.
What a fuckin mugfugly bitch.
by Nate G. March 11, 2005
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