1 definition by Mushroomforcoffee?

Harum Scarum

Known for their awkward association with birds (both the human and chicken kind)

Not good at communicating.

Overly enthusiastic with flavours. Particularly ginger, tumeric and wild garlic.

Broken if they witness an animal excreting. Occasionally appalled but considers them- self’s ‘at one’ with nature.

Someone who likes to use long words that they or no one else actually understands.

Only interested in girls with an accent after exhausting local supplies.

Not in the slightest bit interested in e-bikes.
Person 1 “Hey, I was thinking of coming out as Harum Scarum, do you think people will be cool with me?”

Person 2 “I’d suggest admitting you’re gay instead, it’ll come as no surprise and I think it’ll be good to get it off your chest”
by Mushroomforcoffee? November 23, 2023
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