7 definitions by Mr Bute

Responce to a joke

Some ones misfortune
Taking the piss out of some one
Butes just told a mint joke about Jack "What a Pisser"

I have just seen Tom trip over the yard brush "What a Pisser"

Butes got a lovely black eye from footy "What a Pisser"
by Mr Bute May 18, 2010
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Yours or someone other persons fingers.
Blast Iv,e just closed the door on a couple of my bellringers.
by Mr Bute October 27, 2007
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Your wife or your mates wife, or even a wife to be!!
In the local pub after having a few bevys "Fuck me Bute the brides here, " time to go".
by Mr Bute October 27, 2007
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A person who loves eating sausages, especially hot dogs,the bonus being weddings and funerals as thers always a plate full.
I might have known, "Sausage has polished off all the sausages on sticks", "greedy bastard". Poor Linda,s missed out again..
by Mr Bute October 27, 2007
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Really hot, feeling clammy and sticky.
Sue turn the heating down, I am sweeting like a bag of chips.
by Mr Bute October 23, 2018
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A small or large breaded or battered fish, from your local chippy.
Ay bute just fetch me a lilian gish, fuck the chips I,am on a diet.
by Mr Bute October 27, 2007
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