4 definitions by Milky Potato
Idiots on the internet that make cringe worthy dance videos. they also do challenges that injure themselves. they usually speak like a 5 year old who hasn't gotten the toy he wanted. oh yeah and they think staring at a camera and moving your head in various directions is ¨quality content¨. they usually look like they've had way to many plastic surgery's that they dont even look like a regular human being. I would recommend you avoid them because they will usually try to show you their cringe worthy content.
by Milky Potato November 17, 2020
a YTP or ¨YouTube poop¨ was a funny and popular way to meme in the 2010´s . when it originated the most people would do is use snoop-dogs old song ¨smoke weed everyday¨ and use air horns. The golden age of YTP was during mid 2012 when MLG was introduced consisting of Doritos, weed, and mountain dew parodying what ¨gamers¨ usually ate back in the 2010s. after that YTPs changed consistantly throughout the years although nothing will ever reach the MLG level. YTPs started to die down in 2017 with ¨poopers¨ getting less and less views. eventually it died out but it had a good run. There are still many ¨poopers¨ in tact to day still making YTPs like yoshimaniac but they dont get much attention anymore and they have long hiatuses.
by Milky Potato November 17, 2020
by Milky Potato November 17, 2020
The first ever game in the Garfield kart series. People still argue to this day that its the greatest game ever created because of its extensive and deep lore. Garfield Kart 1 was the first to reveal that lyman is absent from the game because of him actually being dead and his corpse is locked in Jim Davis´s basement. Garfield Kart has also had an amazing speed running community that is still active and running to this day. The much anticipated sequal to Garfield kart (Garfield Kart: Furious Racing) is not as lore extensive as its first outing but it still has a good story and a compelling and emotional moment at the end that made us all cry.
dude did you hear about the new theory matpat made on Garfield Kart? Yeah! but he got some things wrong like the odie dreaming theory.
by Milky Potato December 10, 2020