6 definitions by Mers The Sentry


What News Do You Watch?
Idiot:I Watch Tvsci!
Me:That Is the most unreliable news source in the world.
by Mers The Sentry May 2, 2019
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2b2t Is the World's Longest running minecraft anarchy server.
2b2t has a history that is more complicated than Any other server in the world,Running since 2010.
Nightarchy Is 2b2t's Little Sister.
What Server you Play On?

by Mers The Sentry April 29, 2019
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A Fucking Snake 🐍who cheats on his girlfriend Right in front of her, and Then Pretends like nothing happened.
God I Hate James
by Mers The Sentry May 4, 2019
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Operation TwoBeaks

A Native Rights Group that believe the government has not done enough to help Native Americans, And That Not Enough people Know the true history of America.
This weekend i joined operation TwoBeaks, People Have a good cause.
by Mers The Sentry May 1, 2019
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1. Nonsense, Crazy Talk.
2. A Bomb ass rap duo from chicago.
The Flat earth theory is absolute Malarky
by Mers The Sentry July 7, 2019
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A Tiny Anarchy Minecraft server that Has a Total of 10 Players.
Essentially 2b2t's Little Sister.
You Playing on 2b2t?
Nah, Im Playin Nightarchy.
by Mers The Sentry April 30, 2019
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