2 definitions by Mental Bud Crazy
A place where Romeo and Juliet is being filmed in the Demented Cartoon Movie. They would continue if Juliet wasn't so bomb-happy. Also where the Qrrbrbirlbel Dubious News (On Channel 4 3/4) is filmed.
''This is Guy Blahson with the Qrrbrbirlbel dubious news. A lot of nucular(''Its pronounced nuclear'') explosions have been... exploding recently. On the scene live is our ace reporter, Bloing Gloing.''
by Mental Bud Crazy August 11, 2004
A bomb which appears on the demented cartoon movie and says ''Zeeky Boogy Doog'' to make nuclear explosions.
''Today on ze underwater world, we are exploring ze teritory of ze dreaded bubblefish. It seems we have found ze bubblefish. It is dark here, so we must shine ze- Wait a minute, its that stupid bomb! I refuse to shine ze light on it. (weird noise) No, I refuse to shine ze light on it! (he gets eaten)''
''Zeeky boogy doog!'' *nuclear explosion*
''Zeeky boogy doog!'' *nuclear explosion*
by Mental Bud Crazy August 11, 2004