4 definitions by Mansinu

A series of x-rated movies made by the adults entertainer Leroy Hemworth. That told the adventure of a Norse god and his travels.
Is that a thorno on the top shelf
by Mansinu July 26, 2021
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To make up or change the rules as you go along to gain an advantage for yourself or an interested party.
The game was a schali sham the ref might as well been wearing the other teams colours how he bent the rules.
by Mansinu July 26, 2019
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When a person dresses up as a Norse god to give others sexual pleasure
Did you see Leroy dressed as Thor you could see his mighty hammer it was very thornographic
by Mansinu July 26, 2021
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Adult movies or when a loved one dons a god of thunder costume for a romantic liaison
‘Thor lightening strikes twice is top notch thornography

My wife made me dress up as the god of thunder last night it was like being a thornography star
by Mansinu July 26, 2021
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