8 definitions by Malicious Matt

Sprunk, a type of soda pop found in Grand Theft Auto games, especially San Andreas (but also Vice City; check out the Kaufman Cabs headquarters, there's a vending machine there) is a parody of the carbonated lemon lime drink Sprite. Sprunk comes in a grenade-shaped can hence the marketing tagline, which says it has an "explosive, bursting flavour".
Pedestrian: My heart dont pump no Sprunk!
by Malicious Matt August 18, 2005
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Another name for a goatee - a type of beard that only covers the chin and mustache areas, and sometimes just the chin.
by Malicious Matt August 15, 2005
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Got a wife and kids in baltimore jack
I went out for a ride and I never went back
Like a river that don’t know where it’s flowing
I took a wrong turn and I just kept going

Everybody’s got a hungry heart
Everybody’s got a hungry heart
Lay down your money and you play your part
Everybody’s got a hungry heart
by Malicious Matt August 18, 2005
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Nonsense, it means nothing. Its what people say when they really mean to say "for all intents and purposes".
1. For all intents and purposes = Correct

2. To all intents and purposes = Correct

3. For all intensive purposes = WRONG! You should have paid attention in English class!
by Malicious Matt August 20, 2005
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ditto mark: a mark used to indicate the word above it should be repeated
repeat an action or statement; "The next speaker dittoed her argument".

The word "ditto" is commonly used as a way of saying "me too", or "I agree".
Person 1: "I hate you!"
Person 2: "Ditto!"

Person 3: "I love this song!"
person 3: "Ditto!"
by Malicious Matt August 22, 2005
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1. The most common way to consume cocaine (or certain other drugs that come in the form of powder). To snort coke means to suck it up your nose, with a straw or rolled up money/paper.

2. "Snort" occasionally can be used to refer to cocaine itself, though other slang terms for coke are much more common
1. Lets snort another line!

2. Hey man, can you get me some snort?
by Malicious Matt August 10, 2005
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A very nice cat............
Careful, that Tiger will tear you apart!
by Malicious Matt August 12, 2005
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