2 definitions by Love is destroying me slowly
A woman that loves a married man and is his partner in an affair. Should be ashamed of herself. No morals. Posting love online and clearly isn't what he wants. Fake love. I hope he leaves her for you. And I hope he hurts you in the exact same way he is hurting her now.
Keep being crapping like The Gardener in Fairy Tales. He doesn't love you or his wife. But you should tell her about the afair . Admit it to her like you do to random strangers. so she can find the love she deserves. Scum bag. Fake love. You deserve to be alone. Homewrecker.
by Love is destroying me slowly May 2, 2022
A woman that loves a married man and is his partner in an affair. Should be ashamed of herself. No morals. Posting love online and clearly isn't what he wants. Fake love. I hope he leaves her for you. And I hope he hurts you in the exact same way he is hurting her now.
Keep being crapping like The Gardener in Fairy Tales. He doesn't love you or his wife. But you should tell her about the afair . Admit it to her like you do to random strangers. so she can find the love she deserves. Scum bag. Fake love. You deserve to be alone. Homewrecker.
by Love is destroying me slowly May 2, 2022