9 definitions by LEESUH E.

What's the best strain of weed? It's so hard to choose there's sooo many choptions!!!!!
by LEESUH E. January 15, 2021
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Tell my husband "shutever" when he tells me to turn down my music because he doesn't like rap.
by LEESUH E. March 19, 2021
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I got bit by so many mosquitoes I've been scritching my legs all damn day !!!
by LEESUH E. June 17, 2018
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When one considers thyself as hot shit.

For example,

"Did you see Lisa come in here all beep beep'n like she all that?!"

Every time my dog comes in from going pee, he acts like he's all that, just beep beep'n into the house.
by LEESUH E. June 13, 2018
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I can hardly reach down to untie my shoes tonight, imma total FBF.
by LEESUH E. January 15, 2021
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I do my best to consave energy, but I also prefer to keep my home at 95° year round.
by LEESUH E. January 15, 2021
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