12 definitions by Kyle,that random guy.

may be known as charlie challenge

a game where some group of retards decide to stack some pencils and think its real

then i walk along and ask if i can join
when they ask a question like
"are you there?"
i blow the pencil but it looks like im just watching
then after someone finds out i rip the fucking paper and yell that they are all retarded
fuck off charlie charlie is fucking retarded
by Kyle,that random guy. December 1, 2017
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"I hate you!"
"I hate you times ten!"
"I hate you times a hundred!"
"I hate you times a million!"
"I hate you times infinity!"
everybody loses their shit
by Kyle,that random guy. November 29, 2017
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Used to claim something and call someone a fucknut at the same time.
2:I already own it, You fucknut.
by Kyle,that random guy. January 1, 2018
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1:roblox monster islands
2:unstoppable force, or tank of the group.
1: Did you see that? He just stole the juggernaut gem and got 27000 health. How about lets go try to take him down?
fails completely
2:That dude with that hammer and his double damage with 5 max heals and 2700 health with 110% defense is going to be our tank.
by Kyle,that random guy. December 25, 2017
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