3 definitions by Kittyisab

Streaks doggos are the most fun playful animals that love to be with you all the time
Hey did you see those doggos in the park
by Kittyisab April 6, 2018
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The most annoying and sarcastic person in the world. Sometimes you like to be around her, but only when your friends aren't with you, and you're all alone. She's pretty, but only when she cleans herself up. She doesn't know left from right or how to use the bathroom on her own.
"Neveya is SO annoying!"
by Kittyisab April 23, 2018
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When you are more than sexy you say smexy because there sooo fine
OH Jonny your so smexy I can’t breathe

Betty I can’t help it it’s in my jeans
by Kittyisab June 14, 2018
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