3 definitions by Jordanfan123

Jordan Ray is a 15 year old male he is slowly rising up to be a star he loves living luxury and loves expensive stuff. Jordan is a very gorgeous good looking male and He loves his designer and Jordan is definitely one day going to become a celebrity. Jordan used to live in Italy for a couple of years and moved to the Uk.
Girl: omg have you seen Jordan Ray
Friend: I know like damn he is such a star
by Jordanfan123 July 28, 2018
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A Jordan are the most handsome man ever. They love luxury designer clothing A Jordan will always end up rich and love living luxury life. They love their expensive rich champagne. A Jordan will be always successful. E.g Micheal Jordan one of the best basketball players,Micheal b Jordan famous actor, Jordan Ray he’s an upcoming star he is currently a fashion model/actor he works very hard for his careers and he’s very handsome he has a good body for a teenager.
Girl: damn I’d so love a Jordan.
Friend: I know girl they are always the successful ones.
by Jordanfan123 April 7, 2018
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A Jordan are the hottest boys ever they get way too much pussy than a normal guy. All Jordan’s have massive dicks a Jordan are sex gods Jordan’s are always rich and they are always into designer and love living luxury. Then can get any girl they want AKA mr steal yo girl.
Girl: who’s that sexy beast?
Friend: that’s a jordan and he definitely has a big dick and he’s so rich and hot.
by Jordanfan123 April 7, 2018
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