3 definitions by Joe Yamato
by Joe Yamato August 10, 2004
also known as whitey-tightys, Tighty - whiteys are the form of underpants worn by small children ranging from age 3 to 12. At some point near puberty, the switch is made to the obviously more comfortable boxers. Tighty-whiteys can also be used in an offensive term against the caucasian population
These tighty-whiteys are too restricting!
(the above example can be used for both forms of the definition)
(the above example can be used for both forms of the definition)
by Joe Yamato August 10, 2004
Superbowl XVIII, where the publicity of Janet Jackson's boob overtook the joy of a great game between the Patriots and Panthers
Joe: Hey that was a good game huh?
Bob: Yeah, so was that boob! ohhyeah!!
Joe: Shut up you animal-goatsing wanksta!
Bob: Yeah, so was that boob! ohhyeah!!
Joe: Shut up you animal-goatsing wanksta!
by Joe Yamato February 8, 2004