40 definitions by Joe Mama

1. A shelter for morons, idiots, retards, and otherwise mentally ill peoples.
2. gay and stupid
by Joe Mama May 23, 2004
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When dealing with "challenged" maternal units, the complex act of initiating contact.
I shot a turkey and plan to cook it.
I guess I'd better notify your mom.
by Joe Mama October 15, 2004
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1. A company that builds and fixes computers. (n) 2. Makes websites.
usage: Helllooo PCXPODE!
by Joe Mama September 17, 2003
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When a guy gets turned on and shoots straight up
Last night, I felt Josh rise when I was giving him that lap dance.
by Joe Mama June 19, 2004
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(verb) To slap your balls across someone's face in a back to back motion.
The boy roscalled the young girl in a vigorous way.
by Joe Mama November 15, 2004
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Cheap cereal eaten by broke college guys (usually followed with Easy Mac or Ramen Noodles)
by Joe Mama June 19, 2004
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