40 definitions by Joe Mama

used to prevent ya splat from entering da pussy
by Joe Mama April 22, 2004
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1. A pregnant female.
2. To engage in sexual intercourse with some below the age of 18.
1. Sally likes to fuck, shes with child again!
2. Nobody is with child more than R Kelly
by Joe Mama November 11, 2003
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What Would Black Jesus Do?
"I argued with a coworker today."
by Joe Mama April 30, 2004
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My muthaphuckin baby brotha!!!!!!
#1:Damn girl, yo brotha Demery is foine as hell. Hook a sistah up.
Me: Heeeeeeell Naw Bitch!
by Joe Mama January 21, 2005
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A very distinguished and "hip" person that seems flawless in every aspect of his or her life... Usually found with unibrow.
he is one nice nicelio.
by Joe Mama April 6, 2005
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When a drug deal goes totally wrong.
It was a total clash man we got BUSTED by the state cops!
by Joe Mama March 13, 2004
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