3 definitions by JV Hilliard


Whenever In...Whenever Out: Describes a company's inventory system in which there is no logic to the order items are stored or used; The opposite of planned systems like FIFO: First In - First Out or LIFO: Last In - First Out.
With our WIWO warehouse, we used the new parts for a while and then switched back to old parts. But don't worry, we still have plenty of both on hand, I think.
by JV Hilliard June 25, 2015
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Think annoyingly OCD plus anal retentive, on steroids!

This is that customer who complains about the slightest, minute cosmetic detail on a large piece of industrial equipment. Not talking about a scratch/scuff on a Ferrari, this is a slightly skewed label (slight enough that there is an internal discussion if it is even skewed) on a 15’ long, 8’ tall, several thousand pound piece of equipment, which gets installed in the corner, along the edge, or in a back room.

When you think ODO, use the chant from the Wizard of Oz when the guards are marching in:
O D O, Oh, Oh! O D O, Oh, Oh!
Yes sir, the equipment was installed without issue. Yes, it performs perfectly. No, there are no real issues with it, the customer is just ODO: Overly Detail Oriented.
by JV Hilliard August 31, 2018
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LOGAS - Lack of Give a Shit: A quicker way to describe the declining or non-existent moral of a group.
The customer ordered the blue version, but we shipped them the pink version. Must have been LOGAS in the shipping department that day.
by JV Hilliard July 21, 2015
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