9 definitions by Ik ben goed

Sticky and racist.

Pritt is a brand of glue
Prittler is a casual insult
by Ik ben goed November 20, 2020
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A male homosexual. It reference to homosexuals having anal sex.
Jamey isn't in to women, he's a brown rider.
by Ik ben goed November 21, 2020
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Slur used against white people, or people that openly dislike "woke" ideals.
me: "its okay to be white"
by Ik ben goed July 13, 2020
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Deaths as complication of the covid-19 injection, without publicly admitting the injection are related.
After vaccinating the majority of our population against covid-19, all cause mortality went up significantly. The doctors concluded it's sudden adult death syndrome.
by Ik ben goed June 5, 2022
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Did you know about Big Mike? In dance video with Michelle Obama... There is something flapping between her legs.
by Ik ben goed April 24, 2022
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An nickname for Joe Biden. The 46th president of the United States.

It originated from the popular phrase "lets go Brandon"
P1: why are the fuel prices so high?
P2: you can thank (president) Brandon for this.
by Ik ben goed July 22, 2022
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