4 definitions by I am Emma in the UrBan diction
I am Emma in the UrBan dictionary to make this shirt and mug because i have nothing else to do anyways so this is for me and no one else and am getting it from here because i am poor so yes this is my shirt/mug stay mad be mad
I am Emma in the UrBan dictionary to make this shirt and mug because i have nothing else to do anyways so this is for me and no one else and am getting it from here because i am poor so yes this is my shirt/mug stay mad be mad
by I am Emma in the UrBan diction July 3, 2024
by I am Emma in the UrBan diction July 3, 2024
Hey where are you going??
I need to go number 2 real quick brb
What's a number 2?
When the yum yum in your tum tum comes out your little bum bum
I need to go number 2 real quick brb
What's a number 2?
When the yum yum in your tum tum comes out your little bum bum
by I am Emma in the UrBan diction July 3, 2024
Hey where are you going??
I need to go number 2 real quick brb
What's a number 2?
When the yum yum in your tum tum comes out your little bum bum
I need to go number 2 real quick brb
What's a number 2?
When the yum yum in your tum tum comes out your little bum bum
by I am Emma in the UrBan diction July 3, 2024