16 definitions by Holden McCrank

Let's peel some caps back, yo.
by Holden McCrank March 15, 2003
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n. An enormously large, or overused, vagina. Origin: in the British TV series "Dr. Who," the TARDIS was a time machine that was deceptively larger on the inside than the outside.
Christ! That hooker I picked up last night sure was a tardis twat.
by Holden McCrank March 15, 2003
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n. Blow-up doll. Orig.: Dutch people use body-length bolsters to sleep with...or so they claim.
by Holden McCrank April 22, 2003
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n. Abbreviation of "gambled and lost." Refers to fart that comes out with a little something extra.
After that burrito, I figured I had a G and L coming on; I went for it and lost.
by Holden McCrank March 15, 2003
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adj. Having to do with poon or poontang.
I just put that bitch through her poony paces.
by Holden McCrank April 8, 2003
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Extremely bitchy or useless woman. So-called because an ankle is two feet lower than a cunt.
by Holden McCrank January 31, 2003
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